Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Me and My Hobbies

Aku punya banyak banget hobby di dalam hidup ku ini, aku suka nyanyi, masak, hangout breng temen2 cewe ku pkoknya smua hal - hal yg menjurus ke arah yg positif. Tapi, ada 1 hobby yg benar2 menjadi favouritku hingga akhir hayat (lebay amat), aku sukaaaa bnget sma yg namanya "Dandan", "Make Up", "Berias", "Bersolek" dan apalah ituu hehehe. gatau kenapa aku merasa ada hal yg beda aja kalo udah ketemu sama alat2 make up. like a blush on, eyeshadow, brush, etc. Everything I do being fun when I mate them. Semua berawal sejak aku SMK kelas 2 dan aku ikut ekskul tari traditional di sekolah aku, namanya penari selain bisa goyang harus pinter merias sendiri juga, gak mungkin dong kita bakal lama2 ketergantungan dengan tukang riasnya. Dan dari situ aku mulai tertarik ketika benda2 tersebut menempel pada wajah, everything has change when make up has done, aku ngerasa berias itu seperti salah satu karya seni juga, karna gak cuma sekedar cantik2an aja, tapi juga kita bisa buat make up caracter sesuai karakter yg di inginkan. Dan disini aku pengen pamer alat2 make up aku beserta hasil riasan aku yg terkadang asal2an, heheh Cek this out guys

I love that, I love black and I love Peacock

I Love my redlips here

I like something gothic and smookey

with my besties

just for fun and learn

my makeup fantation

I love that
So, Guys these are my hijab and my make up collection. Now, I want to show you my make up tools, here they're:

yeyyyyyyyy they're my best friend everrrrrrr. I love channel, YSL, ELF, MAC, PAC, LT.PRO, NYX, VS, HOT MAMA, JR, NAKED, NUDE and etc.
akuuu sukaaa bngettt ngoleksi mrekaaa, dan aku slalu menyisihkan stiap uang jajan atau uang yg aku dpatkan untuk mendapatkan mreka. Ok guyss, cukkup sekian ttg hobby aku hari ini, thnkyu. Keep Glamorousss ;)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Falling for Someone

At first, you dont even know it's happening. 
It all just started with a simple "hello", 
and you never would have guessed it would lead to this.

Your mind starts to concentrate on the one person, and nothing else.
Whenever you see, talk to, or even are near the special someone,
those butterflies and that smiles appear as your problems seem to dissapear.

Everything they say or do make you smile 
You just have that happy feeling inside again .
It's good feeling, isn't it??